Introductory course on the optimal design of experiments

Dear colleague,

On June 2, 3 and 4, I will teach an introductory course on optimal design of
experiments at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering of the University of
Leuven (Belgium).

The target audience for the course is starting Ph.D. students in statistics
and anyone else who would like a primer on optimal experimental design.
Prerequisites for the course are knowledge of basic statistics and
regression analysis. Familiarity with classical design of experiments is not

The course will start with an intuitive introduction of the topic
(completely randomized experiments) and gradually build up to more
complicated situations (blocking, restriction in randomization, presence of
time trends and autocorrelation, …). The attention will not be restricted
to optimal design for linear regression models, but Bayesian optimal design
and minimax designs for nonlinear regression models will also be discussed.
The strengths and weaknesses of optimal design will be illustrated, and some
remedies to overcome some of the problems will be given. Various software
packages will be used throughout the course.

The venue for the course is the Arenberg campus of the University of Leuven
in Heverlee.

Details about registration, course contents and programme can be found at

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be interested
in the course. Apologies for cross-postings.

Kind regards,

Peter Goos