UCL/ISBA – conference on Data sciences – Thursday May 18, 2017

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that a conference on Data sciences will be organized on Thursday May 18, 2017 in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.  On this occasion, there will be a workshop in the morning, including a round table discussion. On Thursday afternoon the degrees of  « Doctor Honoris Causa »  will be conferred to Stephen Boyd, Stanford University, and Peter BühlmannETH Zürich

The morning workshop aims at a scientific exchange about some of the research activities at UCL in Data sciences for which the following colleagues have kindly accepted our invitation to briefly present their current work or point of view on this field:

  • Jean-Charles Delvenne
  • Pierre Dupont
  • François Fouss (TBC)
  • François Glineur
  •  Bernadette Govaerts
  •  Isabelle Thomas


This event is also part of the activities celebrating  the 25th anniversary of the Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial sciences (ISBA) of UCL.  On Friday May 19, 2017, we organise a small conference covering the three main fields of research represented in the institute.  Scientific talks will be given, among others, by Ray Carroll, Texas A&M University, Paul Embrechts, ETH Zürich and Luc Devroye, McGill University.


You can already join us on Wednesday May 17, 2017 for the 10th anniversary of our technological platform, the SMCS (Statistical Methodology and Computing Service), which will gather for a networking drink late afternoon.


This is a preliminary announcement. Registration will open later. We will ensure that you receive any essential updates.

Best wishes,

The ISBA organizers:
Donatien Hainaut and Rainer von Sachs

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